Saturday, December 20, 2008

The things that come out of their mouths.

Joshua turned two not quite a month ago and his vocabulary has exploded. He has also become quite to mimic.

Joshua picked up this gem from his daddy on the way over to my parents' house.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

First day of school

Joshua had his first day of school on Friday. He is attending the MDO program at our church. He goes from 9-2:30.

Thursday Royal asked me what time school started because he wanted to take him to his first day of school. Friday started like a normal day. I got up and fed Joshua. Then Royal's alarm goes off and he just lays in bed. Around 8:30 I remind him what today is and he flies out of bed.

We left about 20 minutes later and headed to school. When we get the school Royal carries Joshua in and I got all of his stuff: Nap mat, lunch, backpack, lovey. How much stuff does one little guy need for 5 hours? We walk to his classroom and I fully expected him to scream his head off. Nothing. Royal put him down and he ran to the other kids and toys. I talked to his teacher for a minute and we left.

For the next 5 hours I cleaned the house to pass the time and maybe induce labor. Royal came home a little after 2 to go pick the boy up. We got the report from his teacher: Great day, no crying, ate a good lunch, took a good nap.

Day one was a success, let's pray day 2 goes just as well.

39 weeks

As of today I have seven days to go. I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and I was 1cm dilated and 80% effaced. My doc informed me that he didn't think I would make it to my next appointment. This give baby boy two days to get here or else he will be proving the doctor wrong.

I am so ready to meet our little boy. I want to know who he looks like and everything. Royal just keeps telling me to be patient he will get here when the time is right. I know he is right but the waiting is just so hard.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

In the Hospital

Yesterday Royal told me that his parents were at the hospital. My first thought was that his dad had another infection around his heart. He has had several since having since having heart surgery almost 5 years ago.

This time however it was his grandfather who was in the emergency room. He is in his 70's but not doing well. He was the main caregiver to Royal's grandmother and great-great aunt for a long time. The great aunt passed away a few months back but then his wife (Royal's grandmother) was dianosed with cancer. In all honesty these three people should not have be living alone. The grandpa refused to go into a home because he didn't want to lose his dogs. Well right before the great aunt passed she fell and the grandpa picked her up and they think he broke his back doing it. Since then he has been on heavy medication which has in turn messed up his stomach. They did an x-ray and his stomach is 10x bigger than normal.

I hope when I get to this age I am not so proud that I don't ask for help when I need it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

6 weeks to go.

33 weeks 2 days pregnant.

At this point I have about 6 weeks to go until baby boy will make his way into the world. I am trying to wrap my head around the idea of two kids. It makes you sit back and think how did I get here?

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Once a year

Looking over this blog it seems that I seems to only do this once a year. A lot has happened since the last blog. I gave birth to my first son who is now 19 months old. I am also pregnant with my second son who will be here in September. We were a little surprised when we found out we were pregnant for the second time as we were not trying. Although we feel extememly blessed that it happened with such ease. Many people have asked us if we will have more and the answer is that I would like to but Royal is up in the air still.