Saturday, September 06, 2008

First day of school

Joshua had his first day of school on Friday. He is attending the MDO program at our church. He goes from 9-2:30.

Thursday Royal asked me what time school started because he wanted to take him to his first day of school. Friday started like a normal day. I got up and fed Joshua. Then Royal's alarm goes off and he just lays in bed. Around 8:30 I remind him what today is and he flies out of bed.

We left about 20 minutes later and headed to school. When we get the school Royal carries Joshua in and I got all of his stuff: Nap mat, lunch, backpack, lovey. How much stuff does one little guy need for 5 hours? We walk to his classroom and I fully expected him to scream his head off. Nothing. Royal put him down and he ran to the other kids and toys. I talked to his teacher for a minute and we left.

For the next 5 hours I cleaned the house to pass the time and maybe induce labor. Royal came home a little after 2 to go pick the boy up. We got the report from his teacher: Great day, no crying, ate a good lunch, took a good nap.

Day one was a success, let's pray day 2 goes just as well.

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