Gabriel 9/11/08
One Month old
Three Months old
4 months old
5 months
Almost 6 months
I can't believe how fast the second time around has gone. My little guy is rolling all over the place and has even found that he can get places by continuously rolling. He loves his big brother. There is nothing sweeter than watching Gabriel and Joshua interacting with each other.
Both boys together. Joshua didn't what Gabriel to touch him, so I had to move him over.
Oh yeah if anyone is actually reading this drop me a line and say "HI"
Your boys are precious Charlotte! I can't believe Gabriel is already six months. Time really does fly with babies. It is fun to read your blog and see what is going on in your world. :o)
Just wanted to say HI! I just now found your blog and I'm so glad I did--your boys are precious!!!
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